Thursday, March 21, 2019

Triple Portrait (Evolution)

For this project, I was told to take three pictures of something and put them into one image that shows the evolution of that thing. I chose to do my evolution on the Tom Holland Spiderman which starts with the Spiderman at the beginning of Spiderman Homecoming, then the Spiderman from the middle of Spiderman Homecoming, and ending with the Iron-Spider from Avengers Infinity War.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Candyland Landscape

For this project, I was told to make my own Candyland landscape: a landscape made of only candy. I made a land with hills of Mike & Ike, a sky made out of M & Ms, a sun made of one Skittle, fence made out of Kit Kats, a trail made of M & Ms, Sour Patch Kids playing catch with a Lifesaver frisbee, and a house made of a variety of candy.

Monday, March 11, 2019

30 Day Photo Challenge 2

Day 1: Favorite Food

Day 2: Smile

Day 3: Happiness

Day 4: Leaves

Day 5: Morning Sky

Day 6: Books

Day 7: Something Funny

Day 8: Favorite Color

Day 9: Inspiring Person

Day 10: Nature

Day 11: Something Old

Day 12: Hair

Day 13: Written Words

Day 14: Movement

Day 15: Leading Lines

Day 16: Symmetry and Patterns

Day 17: Framing

Day 18: Depth of Field

Day 19: Rule of Thirds

Day 20: Best Friend

Day 21: Where You Sleep

Day 22: In Your Closet

Day 23: Gratitude

Day 24: Something New

Day 25: Animals

Day 26: Worm's Eye View of Trees

Day 27: Artwork

Day 28: Daily Routine

Day 29: Nighttime

Day 30: Light

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Art Addition to a Masterpeice

For this artwork, I was told to take a picture of a masterpiece, I chose the Statue of Liberty, and incorporate me into that masterpiece but make it look as if the original artwork actually had me in it. I chose to take a picture of my face and put it on the Statue of Liberty and also put Trump: How to Get Rich in my hands.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019


 For this assignment, I was supposed to make a picture that used repetition in a creative way. I chose to make a picture with a computer within a computer  within a computer within a computer within a computer and so on. This was a picture that takes a lot of space, but the picture is very cool.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Look Who's In Our School

For this project, I was told to take a picture of our school and make it look as if someone or something was visiting our school as long as the people were realistic looking. I chose to put in Spiderman, Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, James May, Donald Trump, and Hillary Clinton.


Friday, March 1, 2019

Disproportionate Image

For this project, I was supposed to take an image and make things out of proportion with one another; otherwise know as making small things large and large things small. What I decided to do was take a pencil and absolutely destroy it; making what would be the sharp tip became the widest part of the pencil and the pencil becomes more of a fine tip as you move down the pencil. I feel proud of my creation which I call my Thiccc Pencil.

Image in Text

For this project, I was told to make text with an image. I decided to put the American flag in the word "peace". I did this by si...